O' Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you; I will praise your name, for you have done wonderful things, plans formed of old, faithful and sure. Isaiah 25:1
There isn't much that is sure today. If you take a moment to skim the headlines of Fox News, CNN, or any other news outlet, you will find an endless array of stories replete with uncertainty, and blind speculation. Is it any wonder that many people are essentially biting their finger nails and wondering what on earth to do? There are of course countless opinions as to what brings about certainty. But at the center of all of them, is a selfish desire to make sure life goes the way I want it to for me. Does this work though? If you are honest, the answer is always, "No." So what is certain? Is there anything that is sure? I am always blessed to be able to proclaim the answer to that question. Yes! God is the only thing that is sure! You see, in a world of uncertainty, where all things can be shaken, the answer to experiencing true life is found in the one who is sure, and totally unshakable. Isaiah was experiencing the same reality. But his response was one of praise and worship. Dear friends, we must remember our Eternal God and Father. He has done such wonderful things! He has given us salvation, the Rock of Jesus Christ that is immoveable. He has given us his word that is immutable. He has given us his Holy Spirit that is ultimately powerful. All of this he gave to us before the foundations of the world were ever laid by his word. Only God is faithful and sure. It's only by placing your trust and faith on the sure foundation of Christ can you then, like Isaiah, cry, "O' Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you; I will praise your name..."
There is hope today. There is strength. There is reason to rejoice! God is great, and worthy to be praised. As you rejoice in that, in the midst of a world of uncertainty, you will find yourself on sure ground, solid ground. Hallowed ground.
Blessings in Christ Jesus our Lord!