Thursday, February 3, 2011

Called By Name

"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine." Isaiah 43:1b

I have these memories of being in elementary school, standing in a long line against the fence with my peers. I remember looking out at the two boys who were better athletes than anyone else on the playground and hoping that I would be picked first. There was a fear within me of being picked last. There was always a feeling of deep relief and joy when I was picked by one of those star athletes to be on their team before anyone else. When they pointed to me, and called my name, I would jump off the line and happily join my team. Whether you were chosen immediately or last, depended heavily upon how well you performed.
When it comes to real life, everyone has this inherent understanding that something is wrong with humanity. There is something wrong with us. Sin has marred so deeply, that we are incapable of performing well enough to be chosen in and of ourselves. We have all fallen short, missed the mark, and followed after created things, rather than Creator God. The incredible truth is, that God's word to you and to me is, "Fear not, for I have redeemed you...." I'm so glad God doesn't deal with me like those guys picking the teams back in grade school; according to performance. Instead, Jesus Christ performed for us, in our place, and redeemed us by His blood! The result? God calls you by name! He points to you and says, "You are mine." Dear saint, you have nothing to fear! The God of the universe doesn't judge, call, and use you based upon how well you do, or do not perform. He judges you to be righteous by your profession of faith in Christ Jesus' finished work on the cross. He calls you by name robed in His righteousness to be used for the furthering of His kingdom on this earth as it is in heaven!
Remember God's gracious words to you: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine."
