In healing the ten lepers, Jesus does not reach out and touch them. He does not say, “Be healed.” He simply tells them to show themselves to the priests. This is a curious statement that Jesus makes to them, and one we must take to heart as well.
What Jesus wanted them to do was act as if they were healed, and by that they were healed. In other words, in faith they started out, and on the way they were healed.
What Jesus wanted them to do was act as if they were healed, and by that they were healed. In other words, in faith they started out, and on the way they were healed.
Jesus wants to teach you and me the same thing. Is there something in your life, some sin, that you are just as desperate to have healed as those poor ten lepers? Jesus often whispers those same words to you and to me; to place our trust and faith in His intentions for us, and His power to overcome sin and cleanse us. But there is a deeper truth that Jesus desires for us.
You see, while all ten lepers were cleansed, only one came back overwhelmed by gratitude and worship before Jesus. How did Jesus respond to this one leper? “Rise, go your way, your faith has made you well.”
You see, ten were healed, but only one was made well, and that is far more important then being healed. In other words, unless gratitude is a constant part of our response to Jesus Christ, then we can’t really be whole.
Do you long for healing? Then trust in the faithful word of the Lord Jesus Christ, walk in faith under the banner of the cross which has cleansed you from all unrighteousness, and respond daily with heartfelt gratitude and worship at the feet of Jesus. You’ll find the result sweeter then just healing. You’ll be made well. Whole. Full of gratitude and joy at the wondrous nature of Jesus Christ, all for the glory of God the Father!
You see, while all ten lepers were cleansed, only one came back overwhelmed by gratitude and worship before Jesus. How did Jesus respond to this one leper? “Rise, go your way, your faith has made you well.”
You see, ten were healed, but only one was made well, and that is far more important then being healed. In other words, unless gratitude is a constant part of our response to Jesus Christ, then we can’t really be whole.
Do you long for healing? Then trust in the faithful word of the Lord Jesus Christ, walk in faith under the banner of the cross which has cleansed you from all unrighteousness, and respond daily with heartfelt gratitude and worship at the feet of Jesus. You’ll find the result sweeter then just healing. You’ll be made well. Whole. Full of gratitude and joy at the wondrous nature of Jesus Christ, all for the glory of God the Father!
Practice gratitude to the Lord today!