Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Gospel and Divine Expectations

“Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.”    -- Jesus

Often times, when people read the verse above, they immediately think about it in terms of material things. The problem with that is, does Jesus not expect much from people who have a lower income? Does Jesus expect more out of churches that have more resources, or does he expect less from churches that have less? Jesus, toward the end of Luke 12, is speaking about being prepared for his return. He is talking about faithful servants, and unfaithful servants. What is it he is talking about being faithful with? He’s speaking about being faithful with the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You see, if you are saved, Jesus expects much more from you. If you are a sinner saved by grace, Jesus expects that the result of the Gospel taking root in your heart is going to transform how you live. The incredible truth that has been entrusted to us is one that Jesus demands that we steward well! What does this mean? It means that Jesus is less concerned about the nice buildings that churches aspire to get. It means Jesus is more concerned about what the people IN the church are doing with the message of the Gospel OUTSIDE the church. All the stuff in the world doesn’t amount to anything if you, me, we, aren’t being good stewards with the grace that has been given us (Eph 3:2). 

Dear friends, God has given you a commission. The command of Jesus to us it is to go into the world and be a steward of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you think for one second that God is impressed because you give to the church, or because your church has nice things, or because you have nice things, but don’t do a thing on your own to share the love of Christ with sinners…then think again. 

To you, dear saint who has been given so much in the goodness of God in the Gospel of His Son Jesus must understand with a joyous sobriety, that Jesus expects much of us that have that truth within us. As Jesus entrusted you with much, the “Keys of the kingdom,” means that He will demand the more from you and me. 

I pray we would be a people of God who realize Jesus’ command to go and make disciples is not an option, but a requirement. The more we see this truth, the more we should repent, and pray, and seek God to pour out His Spirit to empower his church to do what He has called us to do!

Grace and peace in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.